The Bachelor episode 4 spoilers: Zach Shallcross & Instagram-gate
Be prepared for drama on The Bachelor episode 4 on ABC — after all, one of Zach Shallcross’ women is about to break a cardinal rule.
Be prepared for drama on The Bachelor episode 4 on ABC — after all, one of Zach Shallcross’ women is about to break a cardinal rule.
As so many of you know at this point, The Bachelor episode 4 is airing on ABC this coming Monday — want to know more?
As you prepare to see The Bachelor episode 4 over on ABC next week, doesn’t it feel like Christina will be at the center of things again?
All it probably takes is watching a few minutes of The Bachelor episode 3 to come to a very important conclusion: Zach likes Kaity.
There are going to be some fun stuff coming on The Bachelor episode 3 with Zach Shallcross — aren’t pool parties meant to be fun?
Are you ready to see The Bachelor episode 3 on ABC tomorrow night? The journey of Zach Shallcross will have its highs and lows.
Monday night is going to bring The Bachelor episode 3 to ABC and to the surprise of no one, this is a chance to create more conflict.
The Bachelor episode 3 is slated to air on ABC this Monday and, of course, there are some big events ahead!
As we get set for The Bachelor episode 3 on ABC next week, it feels pretty darn clear that we’re going to get some more drama.
Is Tahzjuan Hawkins officially going to come on board The Bachelor episode 2 as a contestant, or at least try to?