The Bachelor finale tackles Zach, Gabi breakup, fantasy suite
Out of everything that we expected to see on The Bachelor finale, we did not expect the final interview with Zach and Gabi at the forefront.
Out of everything that we expected to see on The Bachelor finale, we did not expect the final interview with Zach and Gabi at the forefront.
During tonight’s The Bachelor finale, we learned that Zach Shallcross and Kaity Biggar got engaged back in Thailand. So, are they still together?
What happened over the course of The Bachelor finale tonight? Did Zach Shallcross pick Gabi or Kaity? We know these were the huge questions.
Tonight on ABC The Bachelor finale is going to be here, so let’s just ask the all-important question now: Who will Zach Shallcross pick?
Tomorrow night is going to serve as The Bachelor finale on ABC, and let’s just say the drama just keeps coming for Zach.
Monday night on ABC, The Bachelor finale is going to be here, and that includes for Zach Shallcross After the Final Rose special, as well.
On Monday night The Bachelor finale is coming to ABC, but do you not have to wait to see the end of the season? We have to wonder…
Now that the overnight dates are over, it is time to prepare fully for The Bachelor finale on Monday night. What will Zach do?
We knew into tonight’s The Bachelor that were would be some sort of elimination following fantasy suites — so did that happen to Ariel?
Tonight on ABC, The Bachelor is going to be coming on with fantasy suites — but will Gabi leave before hers even starts?