Blue Bloods season 13 finale: Erin not running for District Attorney!
We knew that there would be some surprises on the Blue Bloods season 13 finale, but the biggest one came via Erin Reagan.
We knew that there would be some surprises on the Blue Bloods season 13 finale, but the biggest one came via Erin Reagan.
Going into tonight’s Blue Bloods season 13 finale on CBS, let’s make one thing clear: We didn’t have huge expectations for a cliffhanger.
In the wake of tonight’s big finale, it makes all the sense in the world to want a Blue Bloods season 14 premiere date at CBS.
Is Blue Bloods new tonight on CBS? If you find yourselves eager to check out season 13 episode 21, how can we blame you?
The Blue Bloods season 13 finale is going to be coming in just over 24 hours — so are you ready for what lies ahead?
In just two days on CBS you are going to have a chance to see the Blue Bloods season 13 finale arrive — so what lies ahead?
As so many of you know at this point, we are going to have a chance to see Blue Bloods season 13 episode 21 on CBS this Friday.
Last night CBS gave us the first Blue Bloods season 13 finale promo, and it shouldn’t be a shock they didn’t give much away.
After the events of Blue Bloods season 13 episode 20, we think it’s fair to wonder even more about Danny and Baez’s relationship.
We knew entering Blue Bloods season 13 episode 20 that there was a big reason to be concerned for Maria Baez.