Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Terrance, Alyssa campaign
How much campaigning are we going to see over the next two days in the Big Brother 24 house? Well, here’s a sample.
How much campaigning are we going to see over the next two days in the Big Brother 24 house? Well, here’s a sample.
Day 63 has arrived within the Big Brother 24 house — can we expect a day that is stuffed full of activity? In theory, that’d be great.
We are still three days away from the next Big Brother 24 eviction show and yet, we already are seeing the houseguests second-guess every decision.
You would think that in the aftermath of the Veto Ceremony today in Big Brother 24, things would be relatively simple.
The latest Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony has now come and gone — so did it transpire exactly like everyone expected?
A little bit later today in the Big Brother 24 house, you’re going to have a chance to see the Veto Ceremony take place. Will there be any drama? Should there be any drama? Well, when it comes to the Ceremony itself, expect Head of Household Michael to keep nominations the same. He’s got zero reason to use the […]
In some ways, we’re getting close to the end of the day in Big Brother 24 — yet, it’s only beginning for some in the house.
Tonight on CBS, we’re going to have a chance to see the return of Zingbot to Big Brother 24 — and of course, this is a joyous occasion.
Given that tomorrow marks the Veto Ceremony within the Big Brother 24 house, it only makes sense that Terrance start to campaign.
It probably won’t come as a surprise but in the aftermath of the Veto Ceremony in the Big Brother 24 house…