Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Is the Hisam vote flipping again?
If there are two words to describe the state of the Big Brother 25 house, it is “absolute insanity.” How are these people still breathing?
If there are two words to describe the state of the Big Brother 25 house, it is “absolute insanity.” How are these people still breathing?
Consider this a reminder, we even have to remind ourselves that anything can happen within the Big Brother game.
Is there any chance at all that the vote ends up flipping today within the Big Brother 25 house? On some level, the idea feels crazy.
As we work in order to wrap up day 21 within the Big Brother 25 house, why not spend a moment to talk alliances?
We certainly think that we’ve made it clear: One of the messiest things about Big Brother 25 is the Jared – Blue relationship.
There are so many clear takeaways from within the world of Big Brother 25 right now, but one is especially clear.
Today marks the start of a new day within the Big Brother 25 house, so just how chaotic will things become?
Now that the week 3 Power of Veto Ceremony is done in the Big Brother 25 house, what is the current state of things?
The week 3 Veto Ceremony has now transpired within the Big Brother 25 house — so where does that leave the rest of the week?
As we prepare for the Veto Ceremony on Big Brother 25 today, why not discuss the really bizarre situation involving Jared and Blue?