Big Brother 24 eviction show delayed (again), will now air Sunday
Well, it seems as though the next Big Brother 24 eviction episode is going to continue to be on the move. Want to know more?
Well, it seems as though the next Big Brother 24 eviction episode is going to continue to be on the move. Want to know more?
Welcome to day 14 of Big Brother 24! There is an eviction coming later this week, and some people are thinking beyond it.
Sure, we’re days away from the next Big Brother 24 episode taking place, but why not go insane with the paranoia and vote-counting already?
We’ll be back soon to give you news on the latest Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony — for now, though, we have a scheduling update.
Last night’s Big Brother 24 live feeds is probably a prime example of why production occasionally gives these people booze.
We know that technically, the latest Big Brother 24 eviction is not going to happen until Thursday; heck, we’re not at the Veto Ceremony!
It is the afternoon of day 12 within the Big Brother 24 game, but how many people are making the most of their time in the house?
This is the morning after the final four Veto within the Big Brother 24 live feeds, so where is the game currently standing?
The Power of Veto Competition took place earlier today in the Big Brother 24 house, and of course, that raised some interesting questions. Before diving into the latest from the feeds, let’s give you a rundown of everything that transpired earlier in the day: Head of Household Jasmine competed alongside her nominees Taylor and Pooch. Michael, Ameerah, […]
Who won the week 2 Power of Veto within the Big Brother 24 house? Was there a legitimate competition that played out here?