Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Eviction, HoH talk (day 16)
This is going to be a weird day in the Big Brother 24 house — there is absolutely no doubt about it based on recent events.
This is going to be a weird day in the Big Brother 24 house — there is absolutely no doubt about it based on recent events.
Is Big Brother 24 new tonight on CBS? Are you going to have a chance to dive into the game and all the craziness associated with it?
Today is the day of a taped eviction in the Big Brother 24 house, and we don’t want to dance around anything: It’s the end of Pooch’s game.
Here is some news on Big Brother 24 that we absolutely did not expect, but we are very much grateful to have.
With the next Big Brother 24 eviction happening in a short amount of time, we’re inching closer to something oh-so predictable.
At the end of tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode, we got a quick tease for an upcoming twist: The Festy Bestie twist! So … what is it?
There’s another episode of Big Brother 24 coming to CBS later tonight but before that, let’s check in on where things stand!
Welcome to Day 15 within the Big Brother 24 game! There is an eviction coming very soon, though we’ll be waiting some time to see it.
Well, we’re back today with what seems to be a recurring theme within the Big Brother 24 house — Brittany spreading too much info.
As we get closer to the latest Big Brother 24 eviction, there is absolutely some entertainment coming from the panic.