Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Faulty campaigns (day 33)
The Veto Ceremony is likely coming in about 24 hours in the Big Brother 24 house, and there certainly is a lot of activity within!
The Veto Ceremony is likely coming in about 24 hours in the Big Brother 24 house, and there certainly is a lot of activity within!
Yesterday in the Big Brother 24 house, we had the Power of Veto Competition — now, we have a chance to see whether or not it gets used.
Who won the Power of Veto this week in the Big Brother 24 house? We went into this competition with strange expectations.
The Power of Veto Competition has yet to begin today in the Big Brother 24 house, and there could be a simple reason for it.
The Power of Veto Competition is coming later today in the Big Brother 24 house — why not go ahead and preview it now?
The week 5 nominations are now set within the Big Brother 24 house — curious to learn a little more about what’s to come?
The nomination ceremony is going to happen alter today in the Big Brother 24 house, but we are getting a sense of how things will play out!
It’s the start of a new day in the Big Brother 24 house, and we do have a good sense of what the plan is at present.
Following tonight’s big eviction on Big Brother 24, we get being curious in seeing the Nicole Layog – Julie Chen Moonves extended interview.
Who won Head of Household this week in Big Brother 24? Obviously, there is SO much big stuff that could happen moving forward.