Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Leftover meeting! (day 35)
For now, though, Daniel is going home. The Leftovers met again overnight and in doing that, reaffirmed their commitment to each other. We think there are people in this alliance (see Michael and Kyle as examples) who understand fully that it doesn’t benefit them in the long run to continue to work with this group. However, what are the other options? Jasmine continues to think she’s a puppetmaster, Terrance tells everyone what they want to hear, Indy can be quick-tempered, and Alyssa at this point has shown herself as someone who spills secrets. There aren’t any solid options that are out there.
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We do get the sense that Michael is starting to worry in general, given that he has won multiple competitions and could be a threat. However, there hasn’t been a ton of chatter within his own alliance about taking him out yet. This is actually the value of him being with a lot of strong bros including Joseph, Monte, and Kyle — they all think they can beat him in comps on some level. That could be a strength for him for a little while.
If Kyle survives, the plan is for him to join the team with Alyssa, Indy, and Taylor … provided the Festie Bestie twist is still around. Personally, we think this week is probably the end of it just because there’s no reason to keep this going long-term. Also, people are eventually going to run out of teams to nominate as everyone starts to whittle down in the house.
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