True Detective renewed for season 5, Issa Lopez returning
Just a mere matter of days following the True Detective season 4 finale, we have great news on the status of season 5.
Just a mere matter of days following the True Detective season 4 finale, we have great news on the status of season 5.
Even before last night’s True Detective: Night Country finale aired, we already knew that it had set some records. This is the most-watched edition of the franchise so far, which we think is due to both quality and a rise in accessibility. Remember that back when the first season of the show aired, Max was not even […]
At the time of this writing, we are well-aware of the fact that there is no True Detective season 5 over at HBO.
What happened to Evangeline Navarro at the end of True Detective: Night Country? Was she really there with Danvers?
The True Detective: Night Country finale on HBO did bring about a lot of answers, or things that at least felt like answers.
At the conclusion of the True Detective: Night Country finale tonight on HBO, we finally got the answer to a long-simmering question.
We know that the True Detective: Night Country finale had many questions to answer, and of course the murder of Annie K. was a big one.
Following the big finale of season 4 a.k.a. Night Country, is there a chance that a True Detective season 5 is coming to HBO?
We don’t want to think about the fact that the True Detective: Night Country finale is 24 hours away, but doesn’t make it less true. Like it or not, we have to prepare ourselves now for the final chapter of the story in Ennis, Alaska. Are we going to get closure on both Annie K. and also […]
As so many of you know at this point, True Detective: Night Country episode 6 is going to serve as the season finale. Is it going to be emotional?