The Last of Us season 2: Our hopes for this fall
What can we hope to see or learn about when it comes to The Last of Us season 2 over the course of the fall?
What can we hope to see or learn about when it comes to The Last of Us season 2 over the course of the fall?
As we prepare for The Last of Us season 2 to arrive on HBO hopefully in 2025, there is one question really out there: Who is playing Abby?
It has already been well-reported at this point that The Last of Us season 2 is coming to HBO down the road…
We know that we are waiting for The Last of Us season 2 to arrive over on HBO, but is there a chance it could lead to other spin-offs?
While we think that this was a foregone conclusion for a while, it is now official: The Last of Us season 2 filming is likely delayed.
For those of you who are currently unaware, The Last of Us season 2 is deep within the planning stages. When will it film?
There are so many questions worth thinking about already with The Last of Us season 2, but let’s start with a simple one.
We know that The Last of Us season 2 was in the writing process at the time of the WGA strike, and a lot of plans are already in place.
Is there still a reasonable chance that we could see The Last of Us season 2 premiere at some point in early 2024? Could January still work?
Are we going to learn something big when it comes to The Last of Us season 2 over the course of August? Let’s get more into it.