The Challenge USA season 2 finale: Who won?
Entering The Challenge USA season 2 finale, we 100% anticipated one of the most eventful finals we’ve seen in some time.
Entering The Challenge USA season 2 finale, we 100% anticipated one of the most eventful finals we’ve seen in some time.
Following the season 2 finale over on CBS, are we going to see The Challenge USA season 3? Or, is the reality show ending?
As we prepare to see The Challenge USA season 2 finale on CBS tomorrow night, why not take a longer look at what lies ahead?
As many of you more than likely know at this point, The Challenge USA season 2 is going to be bringing us the all-important finale soon!
Tonight’s The Challenge USA season 2 episode 13 was a tough and sad one for some players. Consider the elimination here!
Next week on CBS, you are going to have a chance to see The Challenge USA season 2 finale — what is going to happen?
As we prepare ourselves for The Challenge USA season 2 episode 13 on CBS in a few days, there is a ton to prepare for!
As you prepare to see The Challenge USA season 2 episode 13 over on CBS, isn’t there a lot to look forward to here? We tend to think so.
The Challenge USA season 2 episode 12 felt like one of those installments where we were slowly inching towards an inevitable outcome.
As we get ourselves prepared to see The Challenge USA season 2 episode 12 on CBS next week, are there any real, cohesive alliances left?