The Boys season 4 episode 7 spoilers: The Deep’s dark turn?
As we get prepared for The Boys season 4 episode 7 on Prime Video, one thing does feel pretty clear at this point.
As we get prepared for The Boys season 4 episode 7 on Prime Video, one thing does feel pretty clear at this point.
As we prepare to see The Boys season 4 episode 7 on Prime Video, it makes some sense to start wondering about mortality for these characters.
Can you consider the past week or so a massive celebration for Nathan Mitchell on The Boys? It is easy to make that argument.
One of the challenges for a show like The Boys is that they have about a hundred different things happening at once.
Now that we know the truth about Joe Kessler on The Boys season 4, are there plenty of unique opportunities ahead?
We know that through The Boys season 4 episode 6, we saw the character of Hughie Campbell suffer in all sorts of unspeakable ways.
As you look towards The Boys season 4 episode 7 on Prime Video next week, isn’t it clear that Hughie has a lot on his mind?
On this week’s The Boys season 4 episode 6, the producers went ahead and answered something that we all knew was going to happen.
Are you ready to see The Boys season 4 episode 7 on Prime Video next week? How do you top what we just saw?
We knew that The Boys season 4 episode 6 was going to contain some awfully unhinged stuff. Didn’t that feel inevitable?