Station 19 season 3 episode 13 promo: Remembering Pruitt Herrera
Station 19 season 3 episode 13 is poised to come on the air tomorrow night, so go ahead and prepare the waterworks.
Station 19 season 3 episode 13 is poised to come on the air tomorrow night, so go ahead and prepare the waterworks.
One of the questions that we had about the future of Station 19 season 3 was rather simple: What happens to the Grey’s Anatomy crossovers?
Why did Miguel Sandoval leave Station 19 following the events of season 3 episode 12? It’s a question to certainly wonder.
Is Miguel Sandoval leaving Station 19, and did we see the character of Andy’s father Pruitt Herrera die tonight? We discuss further…
Want to get a sense of what’s coming on Station 19 season 3 episode 13? At the center of this episode should be a photo shoot.
While tonight may be the last Grey’s Anatomy episode of the season, rest assured that there is more of Station 19 to come.
Next week on Station 19 season 3 episode 12, you’re going to be seeing (big surprise) more crossover from the world of Grey’s Anatomy.
Tomorrow night, Station 19 season 3 episode 11 is poised to come on the air and bring with it something a little bit different.
Next week on Station 19 season 3 episode 11, be prepared for an abundance of stories — with another Grey’s Anatomy crossover mixed in! This time around, you could be seeing Kevin McKidd, Kim Raver, and Jesse Williams all turn up over the course of the hour. “No Days Off” should prove to be an episode with a fun […]
Is Rigo Sanchez leaving Station 19, and have we already reached the end of the road for the character of Rigo Vasquez?