Justified: City Primeval season 1 finale: Is Clement Mansell dead?
We knew that the Justified: City Primeval season 1 finale would contain a lot of big-time events. Did that include the death of Clement?
We knew that the Justified: City Primeval season 1 finale would contain a lot of big-time events. Did that include the death of Clement?
In the light of tonight’s season 1 finale, let’s go ahead and address the topic head-on: Will there be a Justified: City Primeval season 2?
As we prepare for tomorrow night’s Justified: City Primeval season 1 finale, why not discuss endgames for a moment here?
As so many out there are aware, Tuesday night is going to mark the Justified: City Primeval season 1 finale over on FX.
As so many of you know already, Justified: City Primeval season 1 episode 8 is going to be when everything hits the fan.
We tend to think that most of you are more than likely aware that Justified: City Primeval season 1 episode 8 is the finale.
As we prepare to see the Justified: City Primeval season 1 finale on FX sooner rather than later, why not discuss Sandy’s future?
Next week on FX you are going to see Justified: City Primeval season 1 episode 8 — the all important finale! There is epic stuff ahead.
We had a feeling entering Justified: City Primeval season 1 episode 7 that we would learn something about Maureen Downey.
Next week on Justified: City Primeval season 1 episode 8, you’re going to have a chance to see the big finale