Blue Bloods series finale: Is Officer Badillo dead?
We knew entering the Blue Bloods series finale that someone was going to die — after all, there was talk of a funeral scene being shot.
We knew entering the Blue Bloods series finale that someone was going to die — after all, there was talk of a funeral scene being shot.
Given that tonight marked the Blue Bloods series finale at CBS, this feels like the proper time to talk about a season 15.
With the Blue Bloods series finale just over 24 hours away from now, why not just go ahead and say something crazy.
We recognize that tomorrow night on CBS, we are going to have a chance to see the Blue Bloods series finale arrive.
As many of you may be aware already, the Blue Bloods series finale is going to air on CBS this Friday … and we’re still not ready.
In just a matter of a days at this point the Blue Bloods series finale is going to be here — but who says we’re at the end of the franchise?
In just a matter of days, the Blue Bloods series finale is going to be here — and it may be fair to say that we are still not ready…
In just a matter of days, you are going to have a chance to see the Blue Bloods series finale and that alone is a cause for excitement.
As many of you may be well-aware at this point, the Blue Bloods series finale is coming in just six days. Doesn’t it feel clear…
We know that leading into the Blue Bloods series finale on CBS this coming Friday, there is talk aplenty about a spin-off.