Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Did Jared expose Cirie secret?
Sure, we anticipated a certain degree of chaos on the Big Brother 25 live feeds this weekend, but Jared being so reckless with his big secret?
Sure, we anticipated a certain degree of chaos on the Big Brother 25 live feeds this weekend, but Jared being so reckless with his big secret?
Somehow, even on a week of Big Brother 25 where the target is clear, there is still so much messiness. This time, blame Cameron.
The nomination ceremony wrapped up within the Big Brother 25 house not that long ago, and with that, a part of Felicia’s plan was in play.
The week 3 nominations are now officially set in stone within the Big Brother 25 house — so has everything gone according to plan?
In just a matter of hours the nomination ceremony is going to arrive in Big Brother 25 — is the plan for the future now pretty much clear?
Before we get into the latest Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers, let’s just say that we are surprised, yet again, to be talking about Reilly.
We have a new Head of Household in Big Brother 25 and based on what we’re seeing, it looks like we’re going to be in for a fun week.
At the end of tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode, let’s just say that we got one of the best gifts we could have ever asked for.
If you are waiting to see the Big Brother 25 extended interview with Reilly Smedley, let’s just say this: We 100% understand!
Who won HoH this week in the Big Brother 25 house? We know that this is a question there will, of course, be a lot of questions about.