Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Cory and Matt’s new ‘plan’
We knew that there would be a lot of over-thinking today in the Big Brother 25 house and for one simple reason.
We knew that there would be a lot of over-thinking today in the Big Brother 25 house and for one simple reason.
We are two days away from the latest Big Brother 25 eviction show happening — isn’t this the time where flip-flopping happens?
Is there some forgiveness in the air today within the Big Brother 25 house? If you are Cirie, we have to imagine you are hoping for that!
This afternoon in the Big Brother 25 house we had a chance to see the Veto Ceremony — so what exactly happened during it?
Later today within the Big Brother 25 house, we are going to have a chance to see the week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony take place.
Just in case you needed some sort of confirmation as to what’s going to happen at the Big Brother 25 Veto Ceremony tomorrow, now we have it!
Is Big Brother 25 new tonight on CBS, or has it been delayed again by some of the latest NFL programming on the network?
We have said this for a good while now, and it remains very-much true at present: Cameron was not going to give up on Big Brother 25.
We’ve said it before, but we don’t anticipate all that much in the way of fireworks today within the Big Brother 25 house.
Welcome to day 47 within the Big Brother 25 house! Is this going to be an eventful day, or are things fairly set in stone?