Big Brother 25: Cameron, Jared become Big Brother zombies
Tonight, Cameron was evicted from the Big Brother 25 house, but he found out soon after he was a “Big Brother zombie” in the game.
Tonight, Cameron was evicted from the Big Brother 25 house, but he found out soon after he was a “Big Brother zombie” in the game.
We knew entering tonight’s Big Brother 25 episode that we were going to get a Double Eviction. Yet, at the same time there were questions.
As we entered the first part of tonight’s Big Brother 25 Double Eviction episode, it felt pretty darn clear that Cameron Hardin would be evicted.
Tonight’s new Big Brother 25 episode is a mere matter of hours away from airing on CBS, and absolutely it is going to be messy!
In just a matter of hours, you are going to have a chance to see a Big Brother 25 double eviction episode — so what’s going to happen?
As we get closer to the next Big Brother 25 eviction (and a double eviction, no less) tomorrow night, there are reasons to celebrate.
When the feeds went down briefly on Big Brother 25 today, we wondered if it was for the halfway party. As it turns out…
Tomorrow on Big Brother 25 we are going to see a Double Eviction, and it does feel clear that there is a lot of drama ahead.
Welcome to day 50 of Big Brother 25! To think, we are finally at the halfway point of this super-crazy season. A lot has transpired already.
One of the things that has been rather useful about today in Big Brother 25 was that with very little campaigning…