Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: New HoH’s early plans (day 59)

Big Brother 25

We’re in a new era on day 59 of Big Brother 25, one where people actually have to play the game after Scary Week! We have a new HoH, so what is going to happen?

First of all, here is your reminder that Cam has once again won Head of Household, and this time around it is right after he was brought back as a zombie. Matt and Jag were prepared for the possibility in forming their Fugitives alliance with him, and that has helped to bought him some safety. Things aren’t so good, however, for Felicia and Mecole.

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While we do have to take a lot of what Cameron says a lot of the time with a grain of salt, it does seem, at least for now, like they are two of the people that he is currently targeting the most. Why them? Well, the easy answer we can give is that this won’t lead to a lot of blowback onto him. Matt has already tried to get him to target Cory, mostly because he is a threat and Matt is annoyed that Cory has supposedly used him and Jag to secure their safety in the game.

The irony in Cameron’s game at this point is that it really doesn’t matter that much who he targets, given that every person in this game should eventually want him out. He’s just too much of a competition threat and he has to know it! It could be interesting to see how Mecole handles being on the block, but it will be hard to see her and Felicia campaign against each other, given that they have been so close for the bulk of the season.

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother 25 right away, including from last night!

Where do you think we are going to see things go today entering Big Brother 25?

Be sure to let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for some other updates.

(Photo: CBS.)

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