Big Brother 23 live feed spoilers: Why is Derek so upset?
We’re two days away now from the Big Brother 23 finale, and we never thought there would be so much paranoia!
We’re two days away now from the Big Brother 23 finale, and we never thought there would be so much paranoia!
There are a couple different things to get into within today’s Big Brother 23 live feed update, but let’s start with strategy.
This afternoon in the Big Brother 23 house the second part of the final HoH Competition took place. So who ended up winning it?
At some point today in the Big Brother 23 house you’re going to see the second part of the final Head of Household Competition take place!
Last night on Big Brother 23 we had quite possibly one of the most memorable evictions of all time — especially so late in a season.
Following tonight’s Big Brother 23 episode, are you looking for an extended interview featuring Kyland Young and Julie Chen?
Who won part 1 of the final HoH in the Big Brother 23 house? We’re going to break all of that down within this particular piece!
Going into tonight’s Big Brother 23, our expectation was to see the blindside of Kyland Young. All evidence pointed to this.
Following tonight’s Big Brother 23 final four eviction show, when can you expect the live feeds to return?
Tonight on Big Brother 23 you are going to have a chance to watch the final four eviction show — so what is going to transpire here?