Big Brother 24: Was Nicole Layog or Taylor Hale evicted?
Was Nicole Layog evicted on tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode? Entering it, we had a good sense of what’s going to happen.
Was Nicole Layog evicted on tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode? Entering it, we had a good sense of what’s going to happen.
In just a matter of hours the latest Big Brother 24 eviction show is going to be here — and yes, we absolutely know what is going to happen.
We have made it to day 30 in the Big Brother 24 house and tonight, we’re also going to see an eviction! Is it now obvious who that is?
Tomorrow in the Big Brother 24 house, we are going to see either Nicole or Taylor leave the game … and we’ve got a good feeling who that is.
Tonight is going to bring us the latest Big Brother 24 episode, but for the sake of this article, we’re looking ahead.
Today, America’s Got Talent officially announced the 54 people who are going to be a part of the live shows and with that, a saga ends.
If there is one thing that we can absolutely say about Big Brother 24 at the moment, it’s quite simple: This game is totally unpredictable.
It has been an eventful 24 hours in the Big Brother 24 house, and that is putting it mildly. What’s going on?
This afternoon in the Big Brother 24 house we’ve heard a tiny bit of campaigning but for most of the Leftovers, they are looking ahead.
Here we are, thinking that we’d get out of Big Brother 24 without some sort of showmance segment. Alas, that’s not happening.