Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The new HoH’s plot (day 38)

Taylor Hale Big Brother

Now that the Big Brother 24 endurance competition is over, a new Head of Household is in power! With that, they have a chance to make some big moves for the week. Or, they could just go along with an established plan…

So what are they going to do? Well, for those who aren’t aware, Taylor won her first HoH last night! It was really great seeing her have that moment after everything that she’s gone through, and the question now becomes her trying to figure out what she wants to do.

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Let’s comb through some of what we know at the moment. Taylor promised Jasmine that she wouldn’t be put up, as she didn’t want to nominate the only other Black woman in the house. While other players reminded Taylor that Jasmine wouldn’t reciprocate that, they understood. She also promised Alyssa and Indy that they wouldn’t go out on her HoH, even though it does seem like one of them in Indy is going on the block.

Because of where things are in the game at this point, Taylor sees less need for a lot of the double-agent stuff and uncertainty in the game. With that, she doesn’t seem concerned about nominating Terrance and Indy with Terrance as her target. She could use one alliance member as a pawn later on but for now, she doesn’t need to.

The only concern with the Leftovers being all the more public, if it happens, is that with next week’s Split House twist (which the players have no way to predict), it could allow two Leftovers people to be in the same group as three non-Leftovers people, which could mean one of them goes to jury. That’s a very theoretical concept, though, since it would be mathematically improbably that all of he outsiders would be in the same group. The only other concern would be if someone outside the alliance wins either HoH.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 24, including daily live feed updates!

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