Why did Rockmond Dunbar leave 9-1-1, Michael? Vaccine requirement
During last night’s new episode of 9-1-1 season 5, it was revealed that Rockmond Dunbar was leaving the show. Why?
During last night’s new episode of 9-1-1 season 5, it was revealed that Rockmond Dunbar was leaving the show. Why?
Is Rockmond Dunbar leaving 9-1-1, and his character of Michael Grant, following the events of Monday night’s new episode?
Is Kenneth Choi leaving 9-1-1 during season 5? Should you be worried about Chimney because of this current story. The good news is that the producers are showing a commitment to giving Chimney some scenes even while he’s away from Los Angeles. We saw him turn up on the show last week, so that should be all […]
Is Jennifer Love Hewitt leaving 9-1-1 season 5? Are we still waiting for news on a potential Maddie return?
Following tonight’s new episode, it of course makes sense to want to know the 9-1-1 season 5 episode 9 return date!
Just in case the characters on 9-1-1 have not gone through enough as of late, we bring to you the case of Bobby and David.
Where is Maddie on 9-1-1 season 5? Should you be concerned that Jennifer Love Hewitt is leaving? If you’ve got questions or concerns…
Curious to learn a little more about 9-1-1 season 5 episode 8? Let’s start by noting that there will, in fact, be a new episode next week.
Where is Chimney during tonight’s 9-1-1 season 5 episode, and how concerned should you be that Kenneth Choi is leaving?
9-1-1 season 5 episode 7 is set to arrive on Fox in one week’s time, and can we go ahead and say how excited we are?