Is Jenna Dewan leaving The Rookie? Will Bailey Nune die in finale?
Is Jenna Dewan leaving The Rookie? As we get prepared for the upcoming finale, how worried should you be that we are losing Bailey?
Is Jenna Dewan leaving The Rookie? As we get prepared for the upcoming finale, how worried should you be that we are losing Bailey?
As we head into The Rookie season 5 finale on ABC next week, there is a big question to wonder: Is Tru Valentino leaving the show?
As we get ourselves prepared to see The Rookie season 5 episode 22 on ABC next week, how nervous should we be over the future?
Tuesday night is going to bring you The Rookie season 5 episode 21 on ABC, and we don’t think it is some huge surprise there is a lot ahead.
As you get yourselves prepared for The Rookie season 5 episode 21 on ABC next week, what all is there for us to say?
In just a matter of hours on ABC you’re going to have a chance to see The Rookie season 5 episode 20 on the air. What can you expect to see?
Just in case anyone out there was nervous at all about the future of The Rookie at ABC, we come bearing advice: Don’t be.
In just a matter of weeks The Rookie season 5 finale is going to be here — so what can you expect to see from start to finish?
Is The Rookie new tonight on ABC? Are you going to be seeing the Nathan Fillion drama back alongside The Rookie: Feds?
Are we going to be getting The Rookie season 6 on ABC? From one vantage point, it feels inevitable that the show is coming back…