The Pitt season 1 episode 9 spoilers: Santos, Langdon drama?
As we get ourselves set for The Pitt season 1 episode 9 on Max next week, it feels like you can be almost assured of some things.
As we get ourselves set for The Pitt season 1 episode 9 on Max next week, it feels like you can be almost assured of some things.
When it comes to The Pitt on Max at this point, it feels easy to say that we are dealing both with good and bad news.
Less than 24 hours after the latest episode of The Pitt arrived on Max, we are now pleased to report that there is more on the way!
Next week on Max, you are going to have an opportunity to dive into The Pitt season 1 episode 8 — so what will the story be?
For those who are not currently aware for whatever reason, you are going to have a chance to see The Pitt season 1 episode 7 arrive.
As we work to get closer to The Pitt season 1 episode 7 on Max next week, what stories are about to be front and center here?
As we move into The Pitt season 1 episode 6 on Max in a handful of days, it feels like we are moving into something inevitable.
What is going to happen on The Pitt moving forward with Robby and Collins? It does feel clear that the two have a history…
Next week on Max, you will have a chance to see The Pitt season 1 episode 6 — what will be at the center of the story ahead?
We are a handful of episodes into The Pitt on Max and so far, we tend to think that executives are pretty thrilled with the show.