The Orville season 4: Hulu exec on renewal hopes
We are very much aware at this point that there’s a hunger for news on The Orville season 4 — how can there not be?
We are very much aware at this point that there’s a hunger for news on The Orville season 4 — how can there not be?
It’s pretty darn clear at this point that we want some news on The Orville season 4 — and we think most of you feel the same.
At some point during the month of January, are we going to get more news regarding The Orville season 4? We know that it’s been in demand.
Could we get a Christmas miracle in the form of The Orville getting a season 4 renewal? It’s a fun thing to think about!
Is there a chance that we get some news regarding The Orville season 4 at some point during the holiday season?
As we dive into the month of December, is there a chance we learn something more about The Orville season 4?
Where do things currently stand when it comes to The Orville season 4? We’ve been waiting for months already on a possible renewal.
If you have been reading this site for a while now, then you like know we want The Orville season 4 to happen down the road.
If there’s one thing we can say with the utmost confidence right now, it’s rather simple: A lot of people want to see The Orville season 4.
We’ve said this before, but we absolutely think that it’s worth repeating: The Orville: New Horizons is among the best TV of 2022.