The Amazing Race 34 episode 9 preview: Emily & Molly in trouble?
As we start to prepare for The Amazing Race 34 episode 9 next week, are we prepared for things to hit another gear?
As we start to prepare for The Amazing Race 34 episode 9 next week, are we prepared for things to hit another gear?
Next week on The Amazing Race 34 episode 8, the teams are going to be sticking around in France — but what is going to happen?
Next week on The Amazing Race 34 episode 7, be prepared for things to become a little more normal, at least by show standards.
Next week on The Amazing Race 34 episode 6, it looks as though a major curveball could be coming into the competition.
As we get ourselves prepared for The Amazing Race 34 episode 5, we are officially on the other side of the epic Mega-Leg.
As we get ourselves prepared for The Amazing Race 34 episode 4 on CBS next week, it is pretty easy to summarize what’s ahead.
Next week on The Amazing Race 34, the competition will of course enter another gear. The race is a little more competitive now!
Following the big premiere tonight, are you interested in learning a little bit more on The Amazing Race 34 episode 2?
Today CBS released the cast for The Amazing Race 34 and while there could be a lot of interesting people, one name stands out from the pack.
CBS has made a small change when it comes to their plans for The Amazing Race 34, and it’s one that could end up having a large impact.