House of the Dragon season 1 finale: Will there be a cliffhanger?
As we get ourselves closer to the House of the Dragon season 1 finale on HBO this weekend, we find ourselves in a fascinating spot.
As we get ourselves closer to the House of the Dragon season 1 finale on HBO this weekend, we find ourselves in a fascinating spot.
This Sunday on HBO, the moment is here: The House of the Dragon season 1 finale. This could be where Westeros changes forever. Heck, those of you familiar with Fire & Blood know that it very much does. The Dance of Dragons is officially upon us! At the bottom of this article, you can see the epic trailer for […]
As we get ourselves set for the House of the Dragon season 1 finale on HBO this coming weekend, we obviously know the game has changed.
House of the Dragon season 1 episode 9 from the get-go did everything in its power to deliver a new era in King’s Landing. It absolutely proved to be one of the most shocking episodes ever, and it managed to do that while barely using Rhaenyra at all. After all, it was one of her allies […]
Next week on House of the Dragon season 1 episode 10, we’re going to be seeing the culmination of this entire story.
Tomorrow night is currently set to bring House of the Dragon season 1 episode 9 to HBO, and there are certainly many things to wonder.
House of the Dragon season 1 episode 9 is airing on HBO this weekend and absolutely, there are reasons for excitement with that.
This weekend is going to bring House of the Dragon season 1 episode 9 to HBO, and of course there is a lot to be excited for! Before we go further, though, let’s have a little talk about the title for the episode in “The Green Council.” What in the world does that mean? Let’s just say […]
We recognize fully that House of the Dragon season 1 is not yet over; why would we have a conversation about season 3 already?
We know already that House of the Dragon has received a season 2 over on HBO, and that allows us to watch this season with confidence.