Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto rewards, punishments
We knew that this week’s Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Competition was going to be ridiculous. Wasn’t that the idea with HumiliWeek?
We knew that this week’s Big Brother 25 Power of Veto Competition was going to be ridiculous. Wasn’t that the idea with HumiliWeek?
Who won the Power of Veto in the Big Brother 25 house today? There was potential for SO much drama from top to bottom.
The week 6 Power of Veto Competition is already underway within the Big Brother 25 house — so what can you expect to see?
We anticipate that day 39 in the Big Brother 25 is going to be a bonkers one, and it begins with Veto players.
As we get to the end of day 38 within the Big Brother 25 house, everything feels all the more complicated. We could have some really interesting campaigns over the next few days, and we also could be set up for an enormous case of HoH-itis out of Cameron. Does he deserve credit for having the guts […]
Tonight on the Big Brother 25 live feeds, the game has blown up in a way that was somewhat hard to predict due to HoH Cameron.
We do not think it is some huge surprise, but we were very much curious to learn about nominations in the Big Brother 25 house today.
There is a lot of game to be played right now within Big Brother 25 today, and it may be the most unexpected nomination ceremony yet.
We have arrived to day 38 in Big Brother 25, and it appears already like one thing can be said with the utmost confidence.
Earlier tonight, we saw a new Head of Household be crowned in the Big Brother 25 house — so what is the plan going to be?