Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Meet The Leftovers (day 19)
It feels fair to say that this weekend has been the most transformative one across all of Big Brother 24 so far.
It feels fair to say that this weekend has been the most transformative one across all of Big Brother 24 so far.
Earlier today, the Power of Veto Competition happened within the Big Brother 24 house — want to know more?
Who won the week 3 Power of Veto in the Big Brother 24 house? We know that the stage was 100% set this week for some absolute chaos…
The week 3 Power of Veto Competition is happening this week in the Big Brother 24 house — do you want to know more about what’s next?
The last thing we expected to do this morning was write about a fundamental shift within the Big Brother 24 game and yet, here we are.
The week 3 nomination ceremony has come and gone within the Big Brother 24 house — want to know more about them?
The nomination ceremony is happening a little bit later today within the Big Brother 24 house, but we’ve got a sense of what will happen.
We are starting day 17 in the Big Brother 24 house with a reminder that this is not going to be a typical week in the game.
Who won the week 3 HoH within the Big Brother 24 house? It goes without saying, but there is a lot of stuff we want to discuss here!
Who was evicted tonight on Big Brother 24? This question isn’t as easy to answer as it has been in the past.