Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The Leftovers keep working
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What makes this so fun at the moment is two-fold. First and foremost, it’s the idea that they are actually going to blindside Ameerah and send her out of this plan holds. It’s also that everyone on Ameerah’s side is obnoxiously confident about their chances to stay. Alyssa even claims that at one point, she actually said “I’ll miss you” to Terrance! Meanwhile, Ameerah and Jasmine are already planning for next week! Nicole is lamenting having to send Terrance out of the game, and there’s this feeling among these people that Turner is acting alone and will be a huge target moving forward. Truthfully, though, that’s just not the case.
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Now, we give credit to the Leftovers themselves for continuing to do work! Joseph is making it clear to Jasmine tonight that Turner could be a target of his, and he’s doing that to create distance; also, he knows that if Jasmine wins HoH again, Turner is safe because of the Bestie twist. It’s brilliant. Meanwhile, the guys are careful not to spend a lot of time together and Kyle is still working Alyssa on some level, knowing that she is super-into him. Taylor is still acting on the outs with everyone.
The hard thing to remember here is the simple fact that come tomorrow night, there’s a chance things could get exposed. They have done a good job planting seeds that Daniel and some other people could flip, but there is no guarantee that it will stick. We are DESPERATE for feeds the moment after the eviction show wraps.
What do you think about The Leftovers’ current dominance in Big Brother 24?
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