Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The blindside special! (day 23)

Terrance Higgins Big Brother

Tonight on Big Brother 24 we’re going to have an eviction show, and we may not have been this excited about that in a really long time.

After all, today there is a chance at an enormous blindside! At the time of this writing, Ameerah STILL does not know she is going, and some people have already told Terrance that he’s a goner. Daniel has informed him that either he or Nicole will throw a sympathy vote on him, as they don’t want anything to be unanimous. He’s trying to have faith he’ll be fine (Turner told him that last night), but of course it’s difficult.

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One of the best benefits to keeping Terrance at this point is that he could be somewhat-attached to the Leftovers without being a formal part of the alliance. He’s someone who will be inclined to want to work with people who helped him — even Turner, who nominated him, since he informed him he will be okay coming out of this week.

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Overnight, one of the big conversations was all about how to sell the blindside after the fact. Some guys have pitched having Kyle be named as the mastermind, though Kyle himself probably won’t be altogether game for that. They’ve also claimed that having the Old Skool alliance (Daniel, Nicole, Alyssa, Ameerah, Terrance, and Jasmine) being leaked is a big reason behind the move. Remember that Alyssa told Kyle about the group a while back, and it is one of the reasons for the Leftovers being formed. Exposing Po’s Pack is another reason, as well as claiming that a lot of the women are close together.

Taylor lamented hours ago not being able to play with the women and her fear that she’ll be labeled as someone who only likes talking with the guys; however, the state of the house gave her no choice.

Where do you think things are going to go on Big Brother 24 tonight?

Do you think there is a good chance we will still get a blindside? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back for other updates that 100% we do not want you to miss. (Photo: CBS.)

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