Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: The Leftovers’ next move (day 21)
When will it happen? That remains to be seen, but the big takeaway from yesterday is just how locked-in the entire Leftovers alliance is right now. It’s a real testament to how good alliances don’t always form right away; you take some time to get to know and understand each other. Kyle, Monte, Brittany, Michael, Taylor, Turner, and Joseph are all super-eager to play, and also control their own narrative. We don’t necessarily think that they will be the final seven; alliances like the Cookout that take it all the way to the end are pretty darn rare.
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Nonetheless, Ameerah is almost surely a goner next week, and there is reason aplenty to think they will stick together for at least a little while. Kyle and Turner had a chat last night about future targets, and it does feel like Daniel and Nicole are the most obvious people to go after. However, Kyle is worried about Alyssa, which is mostly hilarious in that she’s not all that much of a threat to anyone else. We think he is super-worried about showmance implications and doesn’t want to be attached to her, even though she clearly wants to be attached to him.
Meanwhile, Taylor and Michael spoke last night about wanting Nicole and Daniel out after Ameerah, and also noted that their ideal final three contains the two of them plus Brittany. It’s a win for Taylor just because she’s been a target for so long, but it does seem obvious to us that Michael and Brittany would take each other, leaving her on the outside looking in.
Today, expect a lot of campaigning from Ameerah — she’s been told by a lot of people that she’s safe over Terrance (she’s not), but she will still do her best to push.
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