Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Campaign & delusion day (day 22)
As viewers of tonight’s new episode on CBS are about to find out, she is currently on the block versus Terrance, and has no idea that she is going to be evicted. She’s still of the belief that Po’s Pack is a thing in the game, and has had enough conversations for her to think that this is not only good, but will make it close to the end of the season. Little does she know that some members of that alliance have fled already for The Leftovers — the new dominant crew in the game.
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(We’ll explain it one more time since it hasn’t been addressed on the show yet: The Leftovers is comprised of Kyle, Monte, Joseph, Taylor, Brittany, Michael, and Turner.)
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The members of The Leftovers who have spoken to Ameerah have tried to instill in her some confidence. Meanwhile, Taylor spoke with Terrance today and tried to give him a little bit of hope that he’ll be okay. She didn’t out her alliance, but she did make him feel a little better. Michael is acting to Daniel like he is currently on the fence, which shouldn’t be a shock — this gives him flexibility when he votes Ameerah out on Thursday. (Remember that either Daniel or Nicole will be the next target; there is some internal debate within the alliance as to who it will be, but if one of them wins HoH, we feel like the others will fall in line with what they want.)
So can Ameerah remain in the dark until tomorrow night? From an entertainment standpoint, we certainly hope so! Her blindside would be the biggest move of the season and even top what happened to Pooch.
Do you think Ameerah will find out the truth on Big Brother 24 before her eviction?
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