Big Brother 24: Is the Festie Bestie twist ending?
The majority of tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode was full of content we knew about, whether it be the return of Otev or strategy talk.
The majority of tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode was full of content we knew about, whether it be the return of Otev or strategy talk.
This afternoon in the Big Brother 24 house has the potential to be ALL sorts of messy, and it has a lot to do with Daniel.
While the plans for the eviction this week in Big Brother 24 may not be changing, it does seem like there’s a specific goal for the endgame.
It has been a rather quiet day in the Big Brother 24 house, but things are starting to pick up when it comes to campaigning.
We’re a couple of days away from the latest Big Brother 24 eviction and because of that, things are not altogether crazy yet.
Welcome to day 35 of the Big Brother 24 house! We know that there is a pretty predictable eviction set for Thursday night.
The Big Brother 24 live feeds have been reasonably active given that we’re on the cusp of a pretty predictable boot this week.
We’re a few hours removed now from the Big Brother 24 Veto Ceremony — so how is everyone handling the results?
Today the Veto Ceremony unfolded within the Big Brother 24 house — so did everything go according to plan?
The Veto Ceremony is going to happen tomorrow in the Big Brother 24 house, but it feels already like there’s all sorts of second-guessing!