Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Nomination aftermath (day 45)

Matt Turner Big Brother

Now that we’ve had a good day with this Big Brother 24 – Split House twist, is anyone else regretting it immensely?

We’re going to try to take out personal bias here, even if that’s difficult as someone bummed out by the outside – Dyre Fest portion of the game. It’s just that feeds with only five people are rarely that fun, and having two houses with five people each isn’t rectifying the problem. Things would be much more intense if those ten people were all together having to work through some of the drama.

Also, the game would be different! If Michael was still Head of Household, we probably wouldn’t have Joseph in position where he’s about to go out and Kyle exposing the Leftovers (more or less) to both Alyssa and Terrance. Yet, here we are.

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Before we go to Dyre Fest, a quick update from Big Brochella. Michael nominated Jasmine and Monte and honestly, he’s spending more time worrying about what’s happening outside with Dyre Fest than anything indoors. So long as Jasmine stays up on the block, she goes unless Brittany / Taylor decide they’d rather target Monte now. We don’t think they will without knowing what’s happening elsewhere.

At Dyre Fest, HoH Terrance is still lying to both Joseph and Turner about his mans. He’s claimed to Joseph that Kyle is still the target, whereas he’s suggested to Turner that it’s Joseph. He’s kept quiet about what he knows about the Leftovers, and we’ve suspected for a while that Turner knows that Kyle probably sold them out. It’s just a hard thing to navigate in a backyard where everyone is always around! Also, he probably knows he can’t do much until after the Veto. If Joseph wins, though, he’s in huge trouble.

What do you want to see happen in Big Brother 24 tomorrow?

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