Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Week 7 eviction preview! (day 44)
The week 7 eviction is coming tonight in the Big Brother 24 house, and there is some other chaos coming along with it.
The week 7 eviction is coming tonight in the Big Brother 24 house, and there is some other chaos coming along with it.
It is the night of day 43 within the Big Brother 24 house — so isn’t this the perfect time to celebrate? We tend to think so!
Tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode ended in a massive cliffhanger, and it revolved around one simple thing: Did Kyle use the Veto?
As we get deeper into day 43 within the Big Brother 24 house, we are starting to see campaigning! This does make a certain degree of sense.
We’ve made it to the morning of day 43 in the Big Brother 24 house, and we know that there is an eviction coming before long.
We’ve made it to the halfway point of Big Brother 24, and there could be some celebrations soon. What for?
What’s going on in the Big Brother 24 house this afternoon? It’s funny that still, we’re not getting any talk about the vote on Thursday.
Welcome to day 42 within the Big Brother 24 house! There’s a lot of interesting stuff to get into today, but we begin with a little irony.
Even though there is seemingly a plan for Thursday’s eviction on Big Brother 24, there is absolutely room for mess. Plenty of mess.
The Veto Ceremony happened earlier today within the Big Brother 24 house and all of a sudden, we’re set up for a messy few days.