Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Last minute eviction mess
So what’s going on here? It really goes a little something like this: People within the Leftovers trying to justify why they aren’t voting for Indy to stay. Beyond just that, Brittany telling Indy that Joseph doesn’t 100% have her back, and potentially furthering a rift between these parts of the alliance.
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As a result of Brittany saying this to Indy and Joseph then hearing it after the fact, Joseph had all three of them come together — and of course Michael, because there’s never going to be a conversation like this without him there. Brittany can justify to Indy that she didn’t know about the Five Swatters and with that, she has reason to distrust her. Meanwhile, Joseph can argue that he didn’t know that the women would have each others’ backs first. Maybe this conversation in advance will lessen some blowback on Joseph after he evicts Indy later (which is almost for sure happening), but that’s really hard to say.
Indy’s game is so strange to watch since really, she never had that much of a game. Her exit is largely just the consequence of Kyle not using the Veto, and in doing that, he’s going to put an even bigger target on himself moving forward. We’ll give Indy at least credit for campaigning harder than Terrance, but he’s almost shown himself to be so ineffective at this point that he’s worth bringing along for a good while. Also, Indy should’ve been doing this earlier in the game rather than just relying on a few people around her.
Do you think we’ll get any more drama before the Big Brother 24 two-hour episode tonight airs?
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