Big Brother 24: Live Split House – twist updates!

Big Brother

Tonight on Big Brother 24we are going to see something different than we ever have before. After all, the house is going to be split into two different groups!

Going into the episode, here is some of what we know. There will be ten people remaining at the time the twist starts and by the other side, we will be down to eight. Two houseguests will be evicted on Thursday’s new episode! We should note that the houseguests won’t be able to interact with the other group, meaning that things are going to be even messier than usual. Presumably, it will also mean things like Head of Household and Veto are all the more important if there are only five eligible players for each.

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This is not a twist any of these people can prepare for, as they’ve never seen it executed before on the US version of the show. It could also mark the complete fracturing of the Leftovers based on how things play out.

The twist is revealed

Big Brochella and Dyre Fest are the two separate groups, and every single part of the game will be separate. Suffice it to say, there were a lot of shocked faces. Big Brochella lives inside, whereas the Dyre Fest group will be outside in the backyard.

Apparently, we’re going to learn who is living where a little bit later on in the night, so we’ll have to keep you posted on that. Michael was crowned as the HoH of Big Brochella, while over at Dyre Fest, we saw that Terrance has the power for the first time all season. The good news for him is that he’s safe. The bad news for him is that he has to live outside for the whole week.

There is going to be a selection process that happens before feeds come back — we’ll share the complete teams over at the link here when they are official!

What do you want to see on tonight’s special Split House episode of Big Brother 24?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are so many more updates coming all season long. (Photo: CBS.)

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