‘Big Brother 16’ predictions: Picking the winner, the first boot, and much more

Big Brother -We’ve been through the entire “Big Brother” gamut now.  We’ve previewed every houseguest, discussed the twist, and talked about some controversy already brewing online.

So before the premiere (which you can watch a sneak peek for here) comes on CBS, we have one additional order of business to take on now: Picking the winner. this is something we’ve done for several years now, with mixed results. We have a perfect record with picking “Big Brother Canada” winners, but the only thing we can hang our hat on with the American version is our winner picks at least faring okay. We picked Frank in season 14 and Candice in season 15, and they both at least made the jury.

If you want our full analysis on each houseguest from within this article, just click on their name!

Paola -16. Paola Shea – Too opinionated. Will annoy some of the house and be an easy first boot all can agree on.

15. Devin Shepherd – Have you seen how built this guy is? He’s like a tank, and would win everything late in the game.

14. Donny Thompson – This is not where we want Donny to finish by any means, but he’s probably too much a fish out of water with this cast.

Caleb -13. Caleb Reynolds – Based on his Instagram, he’s going to have a hard time getting along with some people in the house. Maybe he won’t be as offensive, but he will likely rub people the wrong way.

12. Victoria Rafaeli – A similar vote to Paola and Caleb. Nobody will really mind her leaving the game.

11. Jocasta Odom – This is where we think that a group of guys (most likely Derrick, Cody, Zach, and Hayden) will try to take hold of the game and pick off some of the women to avoid an alliance forming there. Jocasta is one casualty.

Brittany -10. Brittany Martinez – Brittany then is another. They’ll argue that they want her to go home and be with her kids rather than in jury.

9. Derrick Lavasseur – Derrick has first juror on his forehead. He will be able to probably manipulate and deceive early, but hiding his job as a cop will prove too hard in this game.

8. Frankie Grande – America will keep Frankie safe this long, but there’s no way anyone lets him get near the end of the game when they realize he is popular.

Christine -7. Christine Brecht – The biggest problem Christina has is this cast of mostly recruits. She will likely not be able to hide her love of the game, and become a target at this point.

6. Joey Van Pelt – Joey will make it this far mostly because she will have some female allies, and because there were bigger targets in the pre-game.

5. Amber Borzotra – She’ll probably be close to a guy, and then get cut by some others in his alliance.

Cody -4. Cody Calafiore – Cody is helped by being a not-so-outspoken guy on a season full of them, and his likability and a possible showmance will carry him.

3. Zach Rance – A lock to return for another season, but he’ll fall just short of the greatness established by Dr. Will and his hero Mike Boogie as some people will figure out his game.

2. Hayden Voss – We’re thinking that Zach will probably have gotten together some sort of Brigade 2.0 here, and it will work most of the game. However, you have to plead your case to win, and we don’t think this Hayden can repeat the success of the last Hayden.

Nicole -1. Nicole Franzel – So there you have it. Nicole will play and sneak her way to the end and then beat Hayden in a surprise victory. She’s going to be a good chameleon in this game, and will be able to fly under the radar for so long that when she starts to play, nobody will suspect it. Plus, it’s finally time for a woman to beat a man in the final two, given that has never happened in US “Big Brother” history. (Jillian did beat Gary in “Big Brother Canada,” but that is with a little help from Topaz.)

So there you go: Nicole is our pick. We’ll take whatever victory or punishment comes our way for this as the season progresses. All we can tell you is that we’ll have everything you could possibly want for “Big Brother” all season long, including updates from the live feed and episode reviews. Just be sure to follow this link for more! Also, sign up to get more news and updates via our CarterMatt Newsletter on all we cover.

Photo: CBS

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