‘Big Brother 16’ houseguest spotlight: Will Derrick Lavasseur arrest the competition?

Derrick -We wonder if there is a “Tony Vlachos effect” going on with CBS right now in regards to some of the people that they are casting on their shows. He was so entertaining and such an aggressive player, we’re probably going to see more police officers from a similar part of the country stop by on reality shows.

Case and point, Derrick Lavasseur. We don’t think that Derrick is anywhere near as entertaining as Tony, but he will be an interesting character provided that he is able to pull off what he promises in his video interview with Jeff Schroeder.

Name – Derrick Lavasseur

Age – 30

Location – Providence, Rhode Island

Occupation – Police officer

Strengths – Derrick’s specialty is doing undercover work, which means that he is probably going to be extremely experienced at lying to people. He’s not planning to reveal his profession here (similar to Tony), and in theory he should be able to hide it well. He’s athletic, very aware of his surroundings, and with a daughter at home, he is not going to be entering this game to just have fun. He has a mission, and that is to try and win this summer.

Weaknesses – To us, his claims that he does not want to compromise his integrity is what differs him from Tony. Tony recognized that “Survivor” was just a game and doesn’t have to reflect on his job, and we’re not sure Derrick does that. He may be a little too aware of himself, and also a little too Type-A given that this show does not often benefit alpha males.

Past houseguest comparison – If you combine Big Jeff, Frank, and maybe a little Russell from season 11, you probably have Derrick. He’ll be confrontational rather than lie around you, and also seriously value winning physical competitions highly.

Prediction – We can see Derrick lasting for a little while, since he’s going to be smart enough to understand that you can’t come across like a d-bag to other people in this setting. There are even some avenues that could allow him to win. However, we see it more likely that he gets into a problem that Coach from “Survivor” or Natalie from season 11 had, where they lie at times in the game but don’t fully own it in the end. As a matter of fact, he’s already being dishonest about his job!

What do you think: Is Derrick a worthy threat to go far on this season of “Big Brother”? Share some of your thoughts with a comment, and click here to read all of our other spotlights and more. Also, be sure to head over here in the event that you want some further news and updates via our official newsletter.

Photo: CBS


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