Mark Ghanimé leaving Virgin River following season 6 finale
It may not be the most surprising news in the world today, but it is nonetheless official: Mark Ghanimé is leaving Virgin River as a series regular.
It may not be the most surprising news in the world today, but it is nonetheless official: Mark Ghanimé is leaving Virgin River as a series regular.
We don’t think that this is going to come as much of a shock, but following the Virgin River season 6 finale, of course the producers want…
Months ago, it was first reported that there was a Virgin River spin-off in the works based largely on Mel’s parents.
Following the big launch of season 6 today on Netflix, why not discuss a Virgin River season 7 a little bit further?
We know that the Virgin River season 6 premiere is coming to Netflix in under 24 hours — and yet, we’re here to discuss the finale!
Come Thursday, December 19, you are going to get a chance to see the long-awaited premiere of Virgin River season 6 on Netflix.
We know that there are a lot of different subjects to discuss when it comes to Virgin River season 6 but for the sake of this article…
We know that there are a number of different things to be excited about entering the Virgin River season 6 premiere…
As most of you are more than likely aware at this point, the Virgin River season 6 premiere is coming to Netflix soon! The plan is for the entire batch of episodes to launch on December 19, and this one is notable for a number of different reasons. What’s one of the big ones? Well, a wedding […]
If you missed the recent news, Virgin River has been officially renewed at Netflix for a season 7! This is absolutely worth celebrating.