Claim to Fame season 2: Is Chris Donny Osmond’s son?
Tonight, Claim to Fame season 2 dropped a major clue when it comes to Chris — is he the son of singing icon Donny Osmond?
Tonight, Claim to Fame season 2 dropped a major clue when it comes to Chris — is he the son of singing icon Donny Osmond?
Over the course of the first two episodes of Claim to Fame season 2, there were questions aplenty about JR and Dwyane Wade.
Who is Shayne on Claim to Fame season 2? Is she related to Eddie Murphy? Let’s just say that there are a ton of clues.
Next week on ABC, you are going to have a chance to dive head-first into Claim to Fame season 2 episode 3 — so what can you expect to see?
Tomorrow night is going to bring Claim to Fame season 2 episode 2 to ABC and with that, of course, come new clues.
As we get prepared for Claim to Fame season 2 episode 2 on ABC next week, why not talk about some drama for a moment?
On tonight’s Claim to Fame season 2 premiere, Hugo found himself in an extremely valuable position as the Guesser.
Tonight the Claim to Fame season 2 premiere gave us a lot of information and clues — but is Monay related to Steve Harvey?
We knew entering the Claim to Fame season 2 premiere that we’d get some clues — but is Carly really the niece of Tom Hanks?
The Claim to Fame season 2 premiere had a number of different big moments — but is Travis the son of Neil deGrasse Tyson?