Big Brother 24 live feed spoilers: Monte’s plan + raising questions
Welcome to day 74 of Big Brother 24! There is a little more than a week left in the season and now, we do see a clear path to the end.
Welcome to day 74 of Big Brother 24! There is a little more than a week left in the season and now, we do see a clear path to the end.
As we approach the end of day 73 in the Big Brother 24 house, one thing is starting to feel very much clear…
Now that we’re several hours away from the Veto Competition in the Big Brother 24 house, we’re starting to get a sense where everyone stands.
Based on what we know at present from the Big Brother 24 house, one thing feels rather clear: We could be in for a LONG next five or six days.
Who won the final four Veto in the Big Brother 24 house? Obviously, this is the most important competition of the season in many respects.
Welcome to the morning of day 73 of Big Brother 24! Who would’ve thought that the feeds would be anywhere near as eventful?
We know that there is a new Head of Household within Big Brother 24 — but what is this person going to do?
After tonight’s Big Brother 24 episode, are you looking for the extended interview with Alyssa Snider and Julie Chen Moonves?
Who won the all-important final four HoH in Big Brother 24? The #1 reason to win this is simply: Safety until finale night.
Tonight’s Big Brother 24 eviction was in some ways a long time coming — was this it for Alyssa Snider in the game?