Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: How nominations will work (day 2)
Want to get some early chatter on Big Brother 25 nominations for the first week of the game, plus how the entire week is going to work?
Want to get some early chatter on Big Brother 25 nominations for the first week of the game, plus how the entire week is going to work?
Who is the first Head of Household within the Big Brother 25 house? Well, we already have an answer for you here!
Is Big Brother 25 new tonight on CBS? Given that it is Thursday night, of course we understand if you are prepared for it!
While the Big Brother 25 live feeds are currently down for what we assume to be the Head of Household Competition, why not talk alliances?
The live feeds for Big Brother 25 are officially underway — so what exactly are we learning? Well, let’s just say one big secret is out there. There were a number of revelations that came about overnight on the feeds, but the one that could have the biggest long-term ramifications within the game is that Izzy, apparently, […]
We have to say that it only took about ten seconds on the Big Brother 25 live feeds for us to have our first alliance of the season.
Throughout most of the Big Brother 25 premiere, we were waiting for the final shoe to drop. That came courtesy of Cirie Fields.
Tonight on the Big Brother 25 premiere we ended up seeing a number of twists, with the biggest one being a competition to determine nominees.
We knew early on during the Big Brother 25 premiere that there were going to be some major twists from the get-go., like the BB Multiverse.
Earlier today, we pondered over the possibility of more players joining Big Brother 25 in some shape or form — and now, we have more info.