Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Veto Ceremony preview! (day 20)
A little bit later in the Big Brother 25 house, you are going to have a chance to see the Veto Ceremony. Is all going according to plan?
A little bit later in the Big Brother 25 house, you are going to have a chance to see the Veto Ceremony. Is all going according to plan?
Tomorrow on Big Brother 25 we are going to have a chance to see the Veto Ceremony — so is the current plan set to happen still?
One of the things that we were curious about leading up to the Big Brother 25 Veto Ceremony tomorrow is how certain players are looking ahead.
There have been a million different alliances within the Big Brother 25 house so honestly, it is hard to take any of them seriously.
As many of you who are avid Big Brother 25 live-feed watchers know, the feeds have been down a good bit so far Sunday.
Welcome to day 19 in the Big Brother 25 house! After so much chaos last night, are things starting to settle down to a certain extent?
Tonight in the Big Brother 25 house, we would’ve thought there could be a certain element of peace and relaxation.
Earlier today in the Big Brother 25 Veto Competition, all of the players had a chance to cement what is their plan for the week.
Who won the Power of Veto in the Big Brother 25 house today? This competition felt on paper very different than any other so far this season.
At the time in which we are writing this, the Big Brother 25 live feeds went down for the week 3 Power of Veto Competition.