Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Jag’s pecking order (day 84)
We have now made it a few hours into day 84 of Big Brother 25 and with that, we at least have a better sense of Jag’s plan in the game.
We have now made it a few hours into day 84 of Big Brother 25 and with that, we at least have a better sense of Jag’s plan in the game.
We have now made it to day 84 of Big Brother 25 — so what is that going to entail? Let’s just say there are so many questions…
If you have read the bulk of our Big Brother 25 updates all season, then you probably know our stance on one Cirie Fields already.
What is going to happen with the Big Brother 25 eviction a little later in the week? Let’s just say there’s a chance that things could get messy.
This afternoon the Veto Ceremony took place on Big Brother 25 — so what actually happened? Were there any big changes?
A little bit later today within the Big Brother 25 house we are going to have a chance to see the week 12 Veto Ceremony.
There are a few different things to think about when it comes to the state of Big Brother 25 today, but what actually matters the most?
Is Big Brother 25 new tonight on CBS? Or, is it being pushed back thanks to the NFL? Once again, we find ourselves wondering…
We don’t exactly think this is some huge surprise, but Matt and Jag have a plan in Big Brother 25 to make everyone feel comfortable.
We have made it to the start of day 82 within the Big Brother 25 house, so what is it that we can say about the game right now?