Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Chelsie’s goal (day 82)
We have made it to day 82 now within Big Brother 26, so what can you expect to see transpire over the course of the day?
We have made it to day 82 now within Big Brother 26, so what can you expect to see transpire over the course of the day?
Earlier today the final four Veto took place within the Big Brother 26 house — but where do things stand now?
Early this afternoon within the Big Brother 26 house, the final four Veto competition took place — and obviously, the stakes were high.
The final four nomination ceremony happened overnight within the Big Brother 26 house — not that there is a lot of drama here.
Late tonight in the Big Brother 26 house, we learned who the final four HoH is — now, what does it even mean?
Who won the final four Head of Household today within the Big Brother 26 house? Winning this comp is, in some ways, a double-edged sword.
We knew entering tonight’s Big Brother 26 two-hour event knowing that either Kimo Apaka or Rubina Bernabe would be evicted.
For most of the week in Big Brother 26, things were pretty dead on the live feeds. However, that all started to shift as of last night!
In just 24 hours the next Big Brother 26 eviction is going to take place — so what exactly is going to happen?
Is Big Brother 26 new tonight on CBS? Well, we certainly understand anyone who expects it, given that it has been a Wednesday-night staple…