Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 6 nomination aftermath
It has now been a good stretch of time since the nomination ceremony within Big Brother 26 — so where are things now?
It has now been a good stretch of time since the nomination ceremony within Big Brother 26 — so where are things now?
Who was nominated this week within the Big Brother 26 house? There was actually some mystery here thanks to the outages…
This afternoon in the Big Brother 26 house we had our first known instance of the AI Instigator hitting the house — there may have…
The first thing that we should state within this particular Big Brother 26 live-feed update is this: Nobody has left the game.
What is going on within the Big Brother 26 house this morning? Well, that’s a good question — a lot of it is blocked from us.
Now that we have a new Head of Household in T’kor within Big Brother 26, let’s get to the next question: What will she do?
Following her eviction on tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode, are you looking to see Brooklyn Rivera’s Goodbye Messages?
Who won HoH this week within the Big Brother 26 house? Given that he just had the power, this was a competition Tucker could not win.
Who was evicted from Big Brother 26 tonight on CBS? Brooklyn, Chelsie, and Cam were all in danger to a certain extent.
Leading into tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode, we now have what may officially be the most ridiculous alliance name ever.